COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) – David Boucher (President and Chief Operating Officer of UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.) gave running a try nearly 25 years ago and he never stopped moving. Every morning he hits the pavement, running through downtown Columbia for a three-mile jog.
After a little calculation, Boucher realized he’ll soon total enough miles to have run a trip around the world.
“When one looks and thinks, ‘Gosh. I’m closing in on 24,000 – 25,000 miles over a 25-year history,’ it is surprising,” said Boucher.
While the distance was never a goal, Boucher turned to Rotary Club where he serves as president to celebrate the last 902 miles with a good deed.
“I’m going to run this anyway unless I have health problems or blow a knee out or something. How can I serve human kind at the same time?,” said Boucher.
He wrote on his Facebook page, “I am looking for sponsors who are willing to contribute just a penny per mile……up to the next 902 miles that I’m able to run. Why 902 miles? Because with another 901.55 miles in the rear view mirror, I would have run the circumference of the earth over a 25-year period (24,901.55 miles). Any money that I collect will be delivered to the CART Fund.”
Columbia’s Rotary Club, along with others across the state and those in four other states place blue buckets out at meetings, collecting pocket change for an Alzheimer’s research fund started by a Rotarian in Sumter County in 1995. During that time, CART, or Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust, has provided more than $5 million in research grants.
One-hundred percent of the money collected is used as seed money for cutting edge research, aiming to find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease.
“Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease. Right now, it’s the 6th leading cause of death in the United States, and today it affects over 5.1 million Americans. So it’s a big number,” said Boucher.
He said he’s been overwhelmed with the number of people who stepped up to sponsor the cause.
“If we can do something to help human kind, that would be a good thing,” said Boucher.
So far, Boucher has raised more than $2,500. With 600 miles left to run, he’s set his fundraising goal at $10,000 to make a difference for families who know the effects of Alzheimer’s far too well.
Anyone wanting to sponsor Boucher can make checks payable to: The CART Fund, c/o Columbia Capital Rotary Club, PO Box 11946, Columbia, SC 29211.
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